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April 17, 2021 at 4:20:17 AM
Design Analysis of Low-Pressure Acetylene
Generators used in Chhattisgarh State
The Low-Pressure Acetylene Generators used calcium carbide to generate
Acetylene gas. The generated low-pressure Acetylene is used with an oxygen
cylinder extensively by Gas welders in Chhattisgarh state for oxy acetylene
welding. This low-pressure oxy acetylene welding is used mostly in
automobile body repairing work. In this research paper mainly four types of
popular generators are used to study for producing low-pressure Acetylene.
The design construction and working of these lookalike generators are
similar but their capacities and safety to hold the Acetylene gas are different.
These generators are selected by the gas welders as per the experience and
skill developed by them. The safety features in these low-pressure acetylene
generators are rarely followed by the gas welders in the state. These Lowpressure Acetylene generators are preferred over the Acetylene cylinder due
to low-cost Acetylene generation. In this research paper with help of CAD
modeling these four popular Acetylene generators design and the capacity of
each generator are calculated. In these four types of low-pressure acetylene
generation, prefabricated generators are found safest to operate and the Top
charged Acetylene Generator is found unsafe and required very high skill of
operation. These design analysis study of these popular models will certainly
help to standardize the dimensions of the Acetylene generators for their safe
Material Science Letters