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1st Quantum and Physics Information Symposium
A online cloud based conference by PTC Physics Tomorrow Conferences International
" Call for paper submission is open now"
Qsymp Int.
Is arranged to connect the brilliant scientists from the world. This is an online-based sponsored conference which is registered under PTL conferences and sponsored by PTC.

ABOUT Qsymp Int.
The Qsymp Int. Conference is sponsored by Physics Tomorrow Council of India (PTC). This Conference started with a simple idea, to sense the level of science activities in the world with a focus on engineering education & research. Great proposals on the scientific innovations are welcomed to exhibit their knowledge worldwide through this conference. Qsymp is programmed to bring all the research scholars and scientists at a single locus on 10th January 2022 for creating a scientific milestone.
Proceeding Publication
All abstracts accepted for presentation in this conference will be Double Peer Reviewed and will be published in the conference abstracts proceeding. The accepted abstracts will only be published if payment of registration has been made by the deadline.
Easy & Fast Publication Opportunity in Conference Associated Journals
All the researchers & Authors are also invited to submit their full paper before the deadline or after the conference for consideration for easy & fast publication in SCOPUS indexed journal, SCIE indexed journal, SCI-indexed journal, ISI indexed journal, ELSEVIER indexed journal and THOMSON REUTERS indexed journal as well as conference affiliated journals. All papers of this conference will also be reviewed by respective Journal reviewing teams and will be publishing with conference proceeding ISBN number in PTL Conferences series. All the authors will get the opportunity to receive the extended indexing on
Subjected to the acceptability.
All the selected papers for the conference will be considered for publication in the conference associated journals listed above, with an additional fee as per the respective journals. Authors interested to publish full paper in a journal can choose any one option mentioned below. Usual journal policies and peer-review policies applied.
All the selected papers will be published free of cost, if not choosing any option mentioned below and the indexing and abstraction of the journal will be google scholar, Scribd Ebsco, crossref, ic journals master list, CiteFactor, DOAJ, Scirus, Base, CiteSeer, Scirate, QSensei.
Different journal publication price can be found at the journal homepages.
Registration Details
All participants are required to fill the registration form then proceed for the payment according to the below given instructions under the category they belong to.
Payment of fees must escort all registration forms. Your registration is not confirmed until and unless full payment is received. Payment must be made in USD or INR. The conference organizer will not accept any bank charges associated with the transfer of money.
Registration Details (Coming soon) Sponsored by PTL TRUST
Indian authors : INR 2000 (Bank transfer / UPI mode)
Foreign authors : USD 56 (PayPal / wise)
Registration Fee Includes (50% conference publication + 40% editing & formatting + 10% conference fees) :
Key features of the conference
Access to all technical sessions
10-30 minutes of oral presentation time (Q&A included)
Conference Program & Proceeding
Certificate of Presentation
Free membership of PTL Community
Award and recognition in every session based on research quality, way of research paper presentation and other criteria.
Keynote Speakers (Updating)

Dr. Shuang-en Zhao
Tentative Paper Title: Using the mutual energy theory to solve the mutual induction, antenna, photon and wave-particle duality.
https://www.zhihu.com/people/MutualEnergy , London, Canada
Coming Soon.
Awaited for keynote speakers confirmation.
Editorial members
Chief Editor (Waitlisted)
Other board members (Waitlisted-updating soon)
Become a board member email at request.qsymp@gmail.com
Qsymp will accepted the submissions till 10th February 2022. Before the 25th January 2022 Qsymp will stop receiving the abstracts except the special papers. The special paper abstracts subjected to the initiation from the Qsymp will be accepted till 10th February 2022. Qsymp has the strict submission decline for all types of papers i.e. 10h February 2022, further no extension will be published. The acceptance or rejection reports will be published within 1dd-mm-yyyy. The registration window will be closed on or before 10th March 2022. The conference will be held on 28th March - 29th March - 30th March, 2022.
Themes Covered (Not limited to.)
Applied Physics
Atomic Physics
Cluster Physics
Complex Systems Physics
Computational Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Cosmology & Early Universe
Earth & Planetary Sciences
Fluid Physics
Free-Electron Laser
General Physics
General Relativity
High Energy Astrophysics
Instrumentation & Measurement
Interdisciplinary Physics
Laser & Photonics
Low Temperature Physics
Medical Physics
Materials Sciences & Technology
Mathematical Physics
Mechanical Response of Solids & Structure
Molecular Physics
New Materials: Micro & Nano-Mechanics & Homogeneization
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Nonlinear Science
Nuclear Science & Engineering
Optical Physics
Physical Engineering
Physics of Nanostructures
Plasma Physics
Quantum Mechanical Developments
Quantum Theory
Relativistic Astrophysics
Solar Energy
Statistical Physics
Statistical Mechanics
Theoretical High Energy Physics
Thin films Physics
Transport Theory
X-Ray Diffraction
X-Ray Spectroscopy
Basic science research
Theoretical and applied physics.
Experimental science.
Nanoscale device modelling and fabrication.
Growth and fabrication techniques for nanostructures and nanodevices.
Nanofabrication and Processing of nanoscale materials and devices
Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Nanostructured Materials and Films
Nanoscale characterizations and properties of nanomaterials and nanoelectronics
Nanosystems for Biological, Medical, Chemical, Catalytic, Energy and Environmental Applications
Nanophotonics and Nanoplasmonics Materials and Devices
Application of Nanostructured materials and Nanodevices
VLSI design and Integrated circuit fabrication
Material science.
Nuclear science.
Space science.
Manuscript submission and Abstract Submission
Qsymp accepts the manuscripts through online and email. For online click here and for email submission kindly email us at submissions.qsymp01@gmail.com
Download manuscript preparation templates
Make a milestone make a submssion
Portal Partner
Presentation Guidelines
Qsymp International 2022 Presentation submission INSTRUCTIONS
Registered authors are required to prepare the presentation of their paper according to the instructions on this page.
Presentation must be named as Paperid_qsymp2022_paper title .
The deadline for submitting presentations in .pptx format or .pdf format: 20th March 2022, 23:59 hrs(IST)
Presentation submission link is only available after registration confirmation. The link will be shared shortly, registrants are recommended to start preparing the recordings as soon as possible.
Qsymp 2022 will be held in a live online setting to accommodate the current restrictions related to the COVID-19 epidemic. The conference will be held as a live stream with a live chat for registrants, as well as other additional online opportunities for getting engaged. Details regarding the exact time and place of the live stream will be announced soon and we kindly ask you for patience as we put everything into place.
There is no specific template for the presentation, however, we recommend authors to use their discretion to present the paper in a manner that covers all aspects of their paper including but not limited to;
State of Art
Simulation and Results
Conclusion and Future score
The authors also should include the following in their title-page mandatorily:
Paper Title and Author Names
Name of Presenter
Paper ID
Logos of Qsymp 2022 download, IEEE India Council and IEEE Delhi Section (Kindly download them from the header of home page)
Write the complete name of the conference 1st Quantum and Physics Information Symposium 2022 in the title page.
The link for the payment and the registration will be shared to the authors only after acceptance of the manuscript.
Live meeting
The main conference will held through CiscoWebx cloud meeting software. We will post more once a new information is ready for this.
Terms & Conditions
Author’s Responsibilities
Author/s warrants that his/their manuscript is an original work that has not been published before and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere either in printed or electronic form.
Authors warrant that all who have contributed significantly to the manuscript are indicated as authors.
Authors warrant that the rights of third parties will not be violated and that the publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.
Authors are exclusively responsible for the contents of their submissions, the validity of the results and must make sure that they have permission from all involved parties to make the data public.
Authors wishing to include figures, charts or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
It is the responsibility of each author to ensure that papers submitted to this journal are written with ethical standards in mind and that they do not contain plagiarism. Authors affirm that the article contains no unfounded or unlawful statements and does not violate the rights of others.
When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editorial office or publisher and cooperate to address the issue in accordance with COPE guideline.
No Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a serious issue and very easy to avoid. Plagiarized articles are not allowed to publish in the Qsymp. We are using CrossCheck service from CrossRef for the initial detection and further DOCOLOC and iThenticate for the detection of the possible plagiarism. But still, if any article found to be plagiarized later on then appropriate action will be taken as per publisher guideline on plagiarism. We will review suspected/claimed articles as per publication ethics of Qsymp publisher and that article might be retracted.
Cancellation and Refund Policy- Withdraw protocol
Registration cancellation will be accepted only against the written request sent by email to request.qsymp@gmail.com
Any cancellation received till 06th March, 2022 will be entitled for 100% refund of the registration amount paid.
Any cancellation received between 07th March, 2022 - 10 March, 2022 will be entitled to 50% refund of the registration amount paid.
No refund will be made for cancellation after 10th March, 2022.
All refunds will be made 15 days after completion of the conference (Note: Applicable bank charges will not be refunded for online registration.)
Platinum Sponsor

Technical Sponsors