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The Nature of the 1 MeV-Gamma quantum in a Classic Interpretation of the Quantum

The Nature of the 1 MeV-Gamma quantum in a Classic Interpretation of the Quantum

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By considering wave-particle dualism with an interpretation of the squared amplitude of the wave function R2(Y) compatible with the known Bohm’s equations, for a 1 MeV-gamma-quantum considered as ‘gammonic’  (e-e+)- pair of electrons having the phase speed of the associated wave equal to the group speed of passing through a low frictional component of the quantum vacuum, it results a value of the quantum potential Q equal to the particle’s kinetic energy,  Qc = ½mv2 , for a classic model of electron composed by heavy photons, this value being explained by a generalized relation of quantum equilibrium of de Broglie type, with the associated entropy proportional to its action S, as representing a centrifugal potential given by a spinorial mass ms = nvmv » me resulting by nv -vector photons explaining also a half of the electron’s rest energy  by considering and a dynamic component of the quantum vacuum- given by quantum and  sub-quantum winds, which generates also a centripetal quantum force of Magnus type acting over the rotated vector photons and corresponding to a vortical potential Qa which maintains the centrifugal potential Qc , the spinorial energy of the vector photons contained by the electron’s shell explaining the second half of its rest energy and the Lorentz force- resulting of Magnus type, but in the Galilean relativity, the resulted interpretation indicating a rest energy at least for photons of gamma quantum, in concordance with the known relation for the red-shifted photon’s frequency in a gravitational field.




It is known that- at the base of the wave-particle dualism, inserting the wave function ψ in polar form into Schrödinger’s equation, written – for simplicity, for a single particle of m-mass:


(V – classical potential; R, S - real-valued functions of space and time) and separating the real and imaginary terms were obtained the Bohm’s equations [1] : .....

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