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Gravitational wave microlensing by dressed primordial black holes

Gravitational wave microlensing by dressed primordial black holes

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  • Theoretical Physics Letters
    2023 ° 02(04) ° 10-06
    DOI: 10.1490/659774.695tpl


We study gravitational wave microlensing by primordial black holes (PBHs), accounting for the effect of a particle dark matter minihalo surrounding them. Such minihaloes are expected when PBHs make up only a fraction of all dark matter. We find that the LIGO-Virgo detections imply a 1σ bound on the abundance of PBHs heavier than 50M. The next generation observatories can potentially probe PBHs as light as 0.01M and down to 2 × 10−4 fraction of all dark matter. We also show that these detectors can distinguish between dressed and naked PBHs, providing a novel way to study the distribution of particle dark matter around black holes and potentially shed light on the origins of black holes.




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