Material Science Letters
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April 17, 2021 at 4:01:45 AM
Fabrication of Non-volatile Charge Storage Memory Device by Novel doped ZnO nanoparticles with 4.79 eV bandgap
Nowadays, the drastic participation of the nanosized materials in technology have been implicated with various applications which mainly aims the performance optimization, dimensional downscaling, ultra-low power consumption etc. to overcome the fundamental limits of the microscale devices. It is the requisite stage to familiarize a convenient alternative of the traditional large-scale technologies in the purpose of accelerating the flow of the applied science for mankind. This article presents two novel non-volatile device structures which are fabricated by layer by a layer deposition method. I-V measurements for both the samples justify the device characteristic as p-type –insulator–n-type configuration. The measurements confirm that the successful fabrication of those devices and proves the high-density charge capacity with an improved lifetime of the carriers compared to erstwhile reports. The measured the threshold voltage for this device is 0.939V.
Material Science Letters
To unfold the hidden mysteries of the molecules and their applications the nanoscience have been presented plenty of its morphism in order to rapid performance scale up with drastic dimensional down scaling. Manipulation of the molecular information technology has numerous existing approaches for instance molecular non-volatile memory, electron spin devices, nano-memorister, quantum dot island based devices, capacitive devices etc. which have proven their superior activities in binary logic and storage device applications. Nowadays, the utility of the hard storage has become quite crucial and instantaneous which claims to be tinier and fastest to meet the present requirements of the mankind. The fabrication of the non-volatile charge storage devices opens a convenient way with millions charge storing capacity in a few nanometer areas. In this letter the ZnO nanoparticle-based non-volatile memory device has reported which provides a better optimization to the device efficiency. To fabricate this device three major materials have involved those are PMMA, Ag NPs, ZnO NPs. In another type of the device is fabricated by using Nafion which exhibits a benchmarking of the p-i-n diode. The PMMA layer is used as the tunneling barrier for the electrons that provides a path to the electrons to be tunnelled during the biasing application but resistance during cutoff state. It also acts as the high impedance to the electrons during cutoff state that resists from the discharging by defending the reverse tunnelling. To fabricate this device the ZnO and Ag doped ZnO NPs are utilized and specifically sputtered on the surface of the ITO. Two different types of devices have been walked through firstly ITO/PMMA/Nafion has been examined and next is ITO/PMMA /ZnO-NPs doped with Ag NPs. The reduced bandgap of the doped ZnO layer works as the electron hopping state and allows to operate it at ultra-low power input.
This work is performed for fabricating the non-volatile devices based on ZnO and metal-doped ZnO nanoparticles. In collaboration with the four probe I-V characteristics measurement, the devices have proven that both are having a non-volatile nature and the those are having very less threshold voltage which can trigger device at very low power. The improvement in the charge storage capacity is notable in both the devices. The unexpected bandgap for the ZnO is being verified through several observations and experiments. In the future articles, this may come across.
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