Physics Tomorrow Books
Physics Tomorrow Books is publishing the best quality books in a database with a dedicated PTBN. PTBN (Physics Tomorrow Book Number) which is similar to ISBN. To make the article unique we index with a unique PTIN that will be searchable on the internet anytime.

Physics Tomorrow Books always provides the best quality book publishing experience. The best method we use for interacting with the authors. We have dedicated 24*7 hours support system which will resolve any of your queries. The book publication honorarium is only 5000 rupees for Indian authors and $101 for international authors.
Please read carefully before making a submission.
Physics Tomorrow follows the plagiarism policy and publication ethics. The is stated briefly here.
You are welcomed to submit your original book, thesis for the possible publication with us. The manuscript review process is completed within 30 days.
Physics Tomorrow accepts a maximum of five authors in a single book.
Each book will be indexed by a unique PTBN (Physics Tomorrow Book Number) which is similar to ISBN or ASIN.
Preparation guidelines for your manuscript.
Cover page
Author bibliography (for all authors)
Use if there any dedication page
Table of index
Author/s' names
Author/s' affiliation
Author/s' designation
Communication email (only provide the corresponding author email in case of multiple authors.)
The main body of the manuscript