Educational Situation :
2000 - 2005 Selçuk University College of Education Physics teacher/Licence degree
2007 – 2009 Selçuk University Physics Department Physics/Graduate degree
Thesis Title: Optical Phonon Modes in Quantum WellStructures (Advisor: Prof.Haluk Şafak)
2009 – 2016 Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Physics Department Physics/PhD degree
Thesis Title: Obtaining of Nanocomposites That Using Metal Oxide Thin Films with Metal and/or CarbonNanotube Modification for Sensor Applications (Advisor: Assoc.Prof. Sani Demiri)
Language Proficiency: YOKDIL 70 (Level: Good writing and speaking
Assignment :
2009- today: Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Physics Department
Research assistant
09.2015-02.2016: Aalto University NMG Department
Visiting researcher
10.2017-02.2018 Istanbul Technical University Physics Engineering
Short-term study
08.10.2018-today: Istanbul Technical University Materials Engineering
FUK-2018-2613 project study
Research Areas:
2009-2014 USP technique (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Solid State Lab.)
2014-2016 Spin coating, CBD techniques (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Material Lab.)
2015 FC-CVD Process (Aalto University NMG Lab.), Carbon nanotubes.
2009-2016 II-VI Metal Oxides (ZnO, ZnS etc.) and thin films.
2009-2016 Uv-Vis Spectroscopy (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Material Lab.).
2013 Luminescence ( Universitat Wien, Short course, LuminescenceSpectroscopy).
2014 Luminescence (Ankara University, Nuclear Science Department, certified workshop).
2014-2016 Gas sensors, electrical properties (Gazi Univ., University Nano Lab.)
Awards& Scholarships:
2014 Young Entrepreneur Contest, 1st prize. Celal Bayar University, Turkey.
2015 MEB-CIMO Research Scholarship at PhD level. Aalto University, Finland.
Organization Responsibility:
2014 Workshop for high school science department teachers (Technician). Güzelyalı IDA KALE Hotel, Turkey.
On-going Projects:
2018. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Council of Scientific Research Project (Grant Number: FUK-2018-2613) (Coordinator)
2011 Poster, 7th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference (NANOTR-VII), İstanbul/Turkey.
2011 Poster, International Symposium on Advanced Complex Inorganic Nanomaterials, Namur/Belgium.
2014 Poster, Solid State Meeting in IZTECH, İzmir/Turkey.
2014 Poster, UGHEK 2014, Eskişehir/Turkey.
2014 Poster, Solid State Meeting in Hacettepe University, Ankara/Turkey.
2015 Poster, NanoTR-11 in METU, Ankara/Turkey.
2016 Oral presentation, TFD 32. International Physics Congress, Muğla/Turkey.
2016 Poster, 18th National Optic, Electro-optic and Photonic Workshop, Ankara/Turkey.
2016 Poster, National CMP-22 Meeting, Ankara/Turkey.
2017 Poster, Solid State Meeting in IZTECH, İzmir/Turkey.
2017 Poster and oral presentation, 4th International Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy, Krakow/Poland.
2017 Oral presentation, ISCMP The International Congress of Materials and Polymers, Ohrid/Macedonia.
2019 Oral presentation, VI. Internatıonal Congress On Mathematıcs, Engıneerıng & Natural & Health Scıences, Adana/Turkey
Publications :
2019 Sarf F., ‘Advanced Battery Applications of Thin Films’, SCIERA Journal of Materials, 4: 14-31.
2018 Sarf F. and Yakar E., ‘Investigation of ZnFe2O4 Films Depending on the Complex Agent Ratio’, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart
University Journal of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, 4(2):200-211.
2018. Özütok F. and etc.’ Enhancing the CO gas sensing properties of ZnO thin films with the decoration of MWCNTs’, Journal
of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (
2018. Özütok F. and Yakar E., ‘Optical and Electrochemical Properties of PB-ZnO and PB-ZnO/MWCNT Nanocomposite
Films Deposited by Chemical Bath’, Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, 21:119-126.
2018 Özütok F. and Yakar E., ‘Annealing Time Effect on the Optical Properties of Zn(O,OH,S) Films onto ZnO Seed Layer
Under Un-vacuum Ambient, Sakarya University Journal of Science, 22(6):9 pages. DOI:10.16984/saufenblder.34975.
2018 Özütok F. and Yakar E., ‘Influence ofSulphur Concentration on the Optical Properties of ZnS Films onto ZnO Seed
Layer Synhesized by Chemical Bath Deposition’, Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, (ZhPS) 85 (3):351.
2018 Özütok F. and etc., ‘Influence of Different Aluminum Source on the NH3 Gas Sensing Properties of ZnO Thin Films’,
Journal of Electronic Materials, 47(5):2648-2657.(
2017 Özütok F. and Demiri S., ‘Nanoflower-like ZnO Films Prepared by Modified Chemical Bath Deposition: Synthesis,
Optical Properties and NO2 Gas Sensing Mechanism’, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 12, 309-317.
2016 Özütok F. and etc., "Electrochromıc NiO Thın Fılms Prepared bySpın Coatıng ", AIP Publsihing Conference
Proceedings, no.1815, 050011.
2012 Özütok F. and etc., ‘Growth, Electrical, and Optical Study of ZnS:Mn Thin Films.’, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA
SERIES A 12120 (78).
2012 Özütok F. and etc., ‘Study of Ultrasonically Sprayed ZnO Films: Thermal Annealing Effect.’, ACTA PHYSICA
Completed Projects:
2016 Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Council of Scientific Research Project (Grant Number: FDK-2015-470)
2016 Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Council of Scientific Research Project (Grant Number: FBA-2016-1051)
2017 Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Council of Scientific Research Project (Grant Number: FBA-2017-1265)
2017 Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Council of Scientific Research Project (Grant Number: FBD-2017-1321)
Evaluated Papers:
Material Science Research India: Phase formation and Morphological features of Calcium Copper titanate by modified Solid State Process, March 2019.
Material Science Research India: Tensile and impact properties of composite blends based unsaturated polyester resin and vinyl ester with nata de coco fiber: Effect of various treatment on fiber, April 2019.