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Non-Hermitian unidirectional routing of photonic qubits
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Efficient and tunable qubit unidirectional routers and spin-wave diodes play an important role in both classical and quantum information processing domains. Here, we reveal that multi-level neutral cold atoms can mediate both dissipative and coherent couplings. Interestingly, we investigate and practically implement this paradigm in experiments, successfully synthesizing a system with dual functionality as both a photonic qubit unidirectional router and a spin-wave diode. By manipulating the helicity of the field, we can effectively balance the coherence coupling and dissipative channel, thereby ensuring the unidirectional transfer of photonic qubits. The qubit fidelity exceeds 97.49 ± 0.39%, and the isolation ratio achieves 16.8 ± 0.11 dB while the insertion loss is lower than 0.36 dB. Furthermore, we show that the spin-wave diode can effectively achieve unidirectional information transfer by appropriately setting the coherent coupling parameters. Our work not only provides new ideas for the design of extensive components in quantum network, but also opens up new possibilities for non-Hermitian quantum physics, complex quantum networks, and unidirectional quantum information transfer.
In contemporary communication and information technology, the concept of unidirectional routing for information carriers has garnered substantial attention. This concept is extensively employed in the transmission of various signals, including acoustic waves [1–3], radio frequencies [4, 5], and quantum signals [6]. Among them, gyrators serve an indispensable role as key components in facilitating efficient and orderly information exchange between different nodes [4, 7]; dual-port isolators effectively suppress reverse noise [4, 6, 8, 9]; while unidirectional amplifiers focus on the directional amplification of weak signals [10, 11]. In linear systems, the achievement of unidirectional responses hinges on the disruption of time-reversal symmetry through the application of real or synthetic magnetic fields. However, the practicality of these traditional unidirectional devices is hampered by their biased magnetic fields. In recent years, promising physical mechanisms have emerged to overcome the aforementioned limitations, including nonlinear optics [12–14], optomechanics [15, 16], atomic gases [17–21], quantum dots [22], and metamaterials [23]. The Unidirectional router and spin-wave diode simplify the intricate nature of photonic networks [8, 24], augment communication channel capacities [25, 26], and becomes valuable resources in quantum sensing [27]. Such a device promotes the development of more efficient and adaptable quantum information platforms [6, 28]. It stimulated numerous recent studies on nonreciprocal couplings and chiral magnons transfer, such as quantum transistors and transducers [29–31], quantum diodes [32–34], unidirectional amplifiers [35–38], and spin-wave diode [6, 28, 31, 39, 40]. However, as the quantum nodes increase, the cumulative effect of insertion loss and quantum coherence loss leads to a significant increase in
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