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Physics Tomorrow
Material Science Letters (PTMSL)
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PTMSL is an open access international journal which covers the modern macro and micro-level material science research. This aims to provide a great opportunity to the lead researchers worldwide for publishing their valuable works at the lowest cost. Because I believe that publishing valuable knowledge is the best every award.
A wormhole of light by using electronic materials
Areena bhatti
Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab,
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Effect of Gd3+ ion concentration on photoluminescence and thermoluminescence studies of Y4Al2O9 phosphors
Vikas Dubey et. al.
DOI - 10.1490/
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Computational Analysis of Acetylene Generators used in Chhattisgarh State
The Acetylene Generators using carbide as a source is used with oxygen cylinder extensively by Gas welders in Chhattisgarh state. They are mostly used for automobile body repairing work. These generators are used for producing acetylene gas at low pressure. Their construction and working looks identical but their capacity to hold the Acetylene gas is different. In this research paper with help of computational modeling of different popular Acetylene generators the capacity of each generator is calculated. The computational analysis will help to standardize the dimensions of the Acetylene generators for their safe working.
Irreversible transformations of 3d lead(ii) Coordination polymers via mechanochemistry; Precursors for the preparation of lead(ii) chloride/bromide/sulfide nanoparticles
TarbiatModares University, Tehran, Iran
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