Bhilai Institute of Technology Department, Raipur
Asst. Professor
Physics Department
Dr. Vikas Dubey
Vill & Post Chandkhuri
Distt. - Durg (C.G.)
Mob. – 09826937919

To obtain a challenging position where my skills & knowledge along with my enthusiasm are fully utilized and extended along with adding value to the organization.
Educational Qualification:
National Institute of Technology, Raipur
National Institute of Technology, Raipur
Pt.R.S.University, Raipur
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur
Professional Experience:
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Raipur (15 Jan 2014 to continue)
Presently working as Asst. Prof. in the Department of Physics at BIT Raipur
MATS School of Engineering and Technology, Arang (March 2013 to 15 Jan 2014)
Worked as Asst. Prof. in the Department of Physics at MATS University.
Project – Fellow
(April 2010-March 2013)
Worked in Govt. V.Y.T.P.G.Auto. College Durg (C.G.) as a Project Fellow in a Major Research Project
Raipur Institute of technology, Chhatauna mandir hasoud, Raipur (1 aug 2009 to 28 Apr 2010)
I have worked in Raipur Institute of Technology, Raipur as a Lecturer of Applied Physics.
Research Publications
Total Research Papers Published: 75
International Journals: 69
International Conferences: 03
National Conferences: 03
Research Book – 5 (International)
Lab Manual – 1 (National)
Editorial Board
Advance Physics Letter Journal
Associate Editor of Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences (ELSEVIER)
Research Project
Two Minor Research project ongoing funded by Chhattisgarh Council of Science & Technology
2 Students Registered in my Co-Supervision from NIT Raipur
Mrs. Toshi Patel [Details not available]
Ms. Henu Patel [Details not available]
Reviewer of Journal
Research on chemical Intermediates (Springer)
Powder Technology (Elsevier Science Direct)
Radiation Physics and Chemistry (Elsevier Science Direct)
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids (Taylor & Francis)
Journal of Luminescence and Application (Columbia Publishing house)
Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences (Elsevier Science Direct)
Infra-red Physics Technology (Elsevier Science Direct)
Material Science and Semiconductor Processing (Elsevier Science Direct)
Journal of Luminescence (Elsevier Science Direct)
RSC Advance (Royal Society of Chemistry)
Luminescence (Wiley publication)
Spectroscopy Letters (Taylor and Francis)
Displays (Elsevier Science Direct)
Area of research interest
Thermoluminescence Studies of Geological Materials.
Synthesis and characterization of nanostructure luminescent materials.
Preparation and characterization of thermoluminescence dosimetry phosphors.
preparation and characterization of inorganic and organic lamp phosphors.
Development of Optoelectronic materials.
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of solid-state laser materials.
Growth and study of defects in crystalline and microcrystalline solids.
Radiation dosimetry thermoluminescence, mechanoluminescence, photoluminescence.
Research Collaborations with
MS University Baroda (Gujrat), India
RTM University, Nagpur (Maharashtra), India
UGC – DAE, Indore (M.P.), India
ITM University, Gurgaon (Haryana), India
National Institute of Technology, Raipur
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Department of Geology, Govt.V.Y.T.PG.Auto. College, Durg (C.G), India
ITM University, Raipur
Department of Physics, Govt.V.Y.T.PG.Auto. College, Durg (C.G), India
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Thesis Title
Synthesis and characterization of Eu3+ doped phosphors for display devices applications
Life Membership
Luminescence Society of India
Publications List:
Detail of Published Paper in International/National Journal/ National Conference/International Conference
Journal Publications
V Singh, MS Pathak, N Singh, V Dubey, PK Singh, Effect of annealing on photoluminescence properties of combustion synthesized ultraviolet-emitting cerium-ion-doped LiAl5O8 phosphor, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics (2018) 152, 9-15.
S Tripathi, R Tiwari, AK Shrivastava, VK Singh, N Dubey, V Dubey, A review reports on rare earth activated AZrO 3 (A= Ba, Ca, Sr) phosphors for display and sensing applications, Optik, Volume 157, March 2018, Pages 365-381.
V Singh, N Singh, MS Pathak, V Dubey, PK Singh, Annealing effects on the luminescence properties of Ce doped ZnAl 2 O 4 produced by combustion synthesis, Optik, Volume 155, February 2018, Pages 285-291.
V Singh, N Singh, MS Pathak, H Jeong, S Watanabe, TKG Rao, V Dubey, Green emission from a Eu2+-activated SrAl2O4 phosphor: a photoluminescence and electron spin resonance study, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, (2018)
V Dubey, NV Dubey, SJ Dhoble, HC Swart, TL glow curve analysis and kinetics of UV, β and γ irradiated YBO3: Eu3+ and Y2O3: Eu3+ phosphors, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, September 2017, Volume 28, Issue 18, pp 13565–13578.
Y Parganiha, J Kaur, N Dubey, V Dubey, R Shrivastava, SJ Dhoble, Luminescence and structural properties of Gd2SiO5: Eu3+ phosphors synthesized from the modified solid-state method, Ceramics International, (2017) 12 (43), 9084-9091.
Deepti Singh, Vikas Dubey, Ravi Shrivastva, Jagjeet Kaur, N.S. Suryanarayana: Synthesis and luminescent behaviour of UV induced Dy3+ activated LaAlO3. Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics 11/2016;, DOI:10.1007/s10854-016-5819-0 (IF = 1.798)
Jagjeet Kaur, Deepti Singh, N.S. Suryanarayana, Vikas Dubey: UV Induced Thermoluminescence and Photoluminescence Studies of Sm3+ Doped LaAlO3 Phosphor. Journal of Display Technology 09/2016; 12(9)., DOI:10.1109/JDT.2016.2546059 (IF = 1.92)
Vikas Dubey, Ratnesh Tiwari, Raunak Kumar Tamrakar, Jagjeet Kaur, S Dutta, Subrata Dasd, H G Visser, S Som: Estimation of spectroscopic parameters and colour purity of the red-light-emitting YBa3B9O18 phosphor: Judd- Ofelt approach. Journal of Luminescence 08/2016; 180., DOI:10.1016/j.jlumin.2016.08.029 (IF = 2.693)
Vinod Singh, Shubha Tripathi, Manish Mishra, Ratnesh Tiwari, Vikas Dubey, Neha Tiwari: Optical Studies of erbium and ytterbium doped Gd2Zr2O7 phosphor for display and optical communication applications. Journal of Display Technology 06/2016; 12(10)., DOI:10.1109/JDT.2016.2582862 (IF = 1.92)
Dr.Vinod Kumar Singh, Ratnesh Tiwari, Vikas Dubey: Optical Studies of erbium and ytterbium doped Gd2Zr2O7 phosphor for display and optical communication applications. Journal of Display Technology 06/2016; (IF = 1.92)
Neha Tiwari, Vikas Dubey, R. K. Kuraria: Mechanoluminescence Study of Europium Doped CaZrO3 Phosphor. Journal of Fluorescence 05/2016; 26(4)., DOI:10.1007/s10895-016-1817-0 (IF = 1.60)
Jagjeet Kaur Saluja, Yogita Parganiha, Neha Tiwari, Vikas Dubey, Ratnesh Tiwari, Asha Prabhath: Mechano and Photoluminescence Spectra of Cadmium Sulphide and Cadmium Selenide Doped Phosphors. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 05/2016; 127(19)., DOI:10.1016/j.ijleo.2016.05.011 (IF = 0.74)
Yogita Parganiha, Jagjeet Kaur, Vikas Dubey, Ravi Shrivastava, Deepika Chandrakar: Violet Blue emission and thermoluminescence glow curve analysis of Gd2SiO5: Ce3+ phosphor. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 04/2016; 127(15)., DOI:10.1016/j.ijleo.2016.04.064 (IF = 0.74)
Neha Tiwari, Vikas Dubey, Jaideep Dewangan, Nitin Jain: Near UV-Blue Emission from Cerium Doped Zirconium Dioxide Phosphor for Display and Sensing Applications. Journal of Display Technology 03/2016; 12(9)., DOI:10.1109/JDT.2016.2544881 (IF = 1.92)
R. S. Ukare, Vikas Dubey, G. D. Zade, S. J. Dhoble: PL Properties of Sr2CeO4 With Eu3+ and Dy3+ for Solid State Lighting Prepared by Precipitation Method. Journal of Fluorescence 02/2016;, DOI:10.1007/s10895-016-1765-8 (IF = 1.6)
Vikas Dubey, Jagjeet Kaur, yogita parganiha, N S Suryanrayana, KVR Murthy: Study of formation of deep trapping mechanism by UV, beta and gamma irradiated Eu3+ activated SrY2O4 and Y4Al2O9 phosphors. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 12/2015; 110., DOI:10.1016/j.apradiso.2015.12.047 (IF = 1.113)
Jagjeet Kaur, Rajni Singh, Purna Bose, Yogita Parganiha, Ravi Shrivastava, Vikas Dubey: Estimation of Color Purity and Trapping Parameters for Samarium Doped BaTiO3 Phosphor. Journal of Display Technology 12/2015; 12(6)., DOI:10.1109/JDT.2015.2508933 (IF = 1.92)
Jagjeet Kaur, Ravi Shrivastava, Vikas Dubey, Yogita Parganiha: Luminescence studies on Eu2+ and Tb3+ doped Ca2MgSi2O7 phosphors. Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics 12/2015; 27(4)., DOI:10.1007/s10854-015-4148-z (IF = 1.798)
Jagjeet Kaur, Deepika Chandrakar, Vikas Dubey, Ravi Shrivastav, Yogita Parganiha, N.S. Suryanarayana: Photoluminescence Characteristics of Dysprosium Doped CeO2 Phosphor for White Light Emission. Journal of Display Technology 11/2015; 12(5)., DOI:10.1109/JDT.2015.2503330 (IF = 1.92)
Jagjeet Kaur, Ravi Shrivastava, Vikas Dubey, Yogita Parganiha: Luminescence Studies on Ba2MgSi2O7 Doped with Eu2+ and Tm3+ Phosphors. Journal of Display Technology 11/2015; 12(5)., DOI:10.1109/JDT.2015.2501164 (IF = 1.92)
Neha Tiwari, Vikas Dubey: Luminescence studies and infrared emission of erbium-doped calcium zirconate phosphor. Luminescence 10/2015; (IF = 1.45)
Vikas Dubey, Ratnesh Tiwari, Ravi Shrivastava, Chandrabhushan Markande, O.P. Verma, Jagjeet Kaur, Yogita Parganiha, KVR Murthy: Effect of Various Cerium Ion Percentages on Photoluminescence and Thermoluminescence Study of CaY2O4 Phosphor. Journal of Display Technology 10/2015; 12(2)., DOI:10.1109/JDT.2015.2488359 (IF = 1.92)
Vikas Dubey, Jagjeet Kaur, Ravi Shrivastava: White Light Emission by Dy(3+) Doped Phosphor Matrices: A Short Review. Journal of Fluorescence 10/2015; 26(1)., DOI:10.1007/s10895-015-1689-8 (IF = 1.6)
Yogita Parganihaa, Jagjeet Kaura, Vikas Dubey, Ravi Shrivastavac, S.J. Dhoble: Synthesis and luminescence study of BaZrO3:Eu3+ phosphor. Superlattices and Microstructures 09/2015; 88., DOI:10.1016/j.spmi.2015.09.016 (IF = 2.117)
Yogita Parganiha, Jagjeet Kaur, Vikas Dubey, Ravi Shrivastava: Synthesis and Luminescence Property of Gd2SiO5 Phosphor. Journal of Display Technology 07/2015; 12(1)., DOI:10.1109/JDT.2015.2459654 (IF = 1.92)
Yogita Parganiha, Jagjeet Kaur, Vikas Dubey, Deepika Chandrakar, N. S. Suryanarayana: UV ray-induced thermoluminescence study of Y2SiO5:Ce3+ phosphor. Research on Chemical Intermediates 07/2015; 42(3)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-015-2148-5 (IF = 1.833)
Yogita Parganihaa, Jagjeet Kaura, Vikas Dubeyb, Ravi Shrivastavac: YAlO3:Ce3+ powders: Synthesis, Characterization, Thermoluminescence and optical studies. Superlattices and Microstructures 06/2015; 85., DOI:10.1016/j.spmi.2015.06.011 (IF = 2.117)
Ravi Shrivastava, Jagjeet Kaur, Vikas Dubey, Beena Jaykumar: Luminescence studies on europium- and dysprosium-doped di-strontium magnesium silicate phosphor. Research on Chemical Intermediates 06/2015; 41(6)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-013-1482-8 (IF = 1.833)
Ratnesh Tiwari, Raunak Kumar Tamrakar, Vikas Dubey: Calculation of Kinetic Data and Thermoluminescence Studies of (Zn, Cd)S Mixed Phosphor. Optics and Spectroscopy 05/2015; 118(5)., DOI:10.1134/S0030400X15050197 (IF = 0.644)
Jagjeet Kaur, Deepika Chandrakar, Vikas Dubey, Yogita Parganiha, N. S. Suryanarayana: Structural and photoluminescence study of CeO2:Eu3+ phosphors. Optics and Spectroscopy 04/2015; 118(5)., DOI:10.1134/S0030400X15050070 (IF = 0.644)
Ravi Shrivastava, Jagjeet Kaur, Vikas Dubey, Beena Jaykumar, Stefano Loreti: Photoluminescence and Thermoluminescence Investigation of Europium- and Dysprosium-Doped Dibarium Magnesium Silicate Phosphor. Spectroscopy Letters 03/2015; 48(3)., DOI:10.1080/00387010.2013.872666 (IF = 0.885)
Raunak Kumar Tamrakar, Neha Tiwari, Vikas Dubey, Kanchan Upadhyay: Infrared spectroscopy and luminescence spectra of Yb3+ doped ZrO2 nanophosphor. 03/2015; 145(3)., DOI:10.1016/j.jrras.2015.02.010
Yogita Parganiha, Vikas Dubey: Synthesis, characterization, thermoluminescence and optical studies of Eu3+ doped Y2SiO5 phosphor. Superlattices and Microstructures 03/2015; 77(3)., DOI:10.1016/j.spmi.2014.11.010 (IF = 2.117)
Vikas Dubey: High Temperature Solid State Synthesis and Photoluminescence behavior of Eu3+ doped GdAlO3 nanophosphor. Superlattices and Microstructures 03/2015; (IF = 2.117)
Vikas Dubey, Jagjeet Kaur, Sadhana Agrawal: Effect of europium doping levels on photoluminescence and thermoluminescence of strontium yttrium oxide phosphor. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 03/2015; 31., DOI:10.1016/j.mssp.2014.10.052 (IF = 2.264)
D. Chandrakar, J. Kaur, V. Dubey, N. S. Suryanarayana, Y. Parganiha: Infrared and visible emissions of rare-earth-doped CeO2 phosphor. Luminescence 03/2015; 30(8)., DOI:10.1002/bio.2881
Ratnesh Tiwari, Vikas Dubey, Meera Ramrakhiani, B. P. Chandra: Fracto-mechanoluminescence induced by impulsive deformation of II–VI semiconductors. Luminescence 02/2015; 30(6)., DOI:10.1002/bio.2837 (IF = 1.45)
Vikas Dubey: Effect of europium concentration on photoluminescence and thermoluminescence behavior of Y2O3:Eu3+ phosphor. Research on Chemical Intermediates 02/2015; (IF = 1.833)
Vikas Dubey, Jagjeet Kaur, Yogita Parganiha, Deepti Singh, N. S. Suryanarayana: Review of the preparation, characterization, and luminescence properties of Pr3+-doped CaTiO3 phosphors. Research on Chemical Intermediates 02/2015; 41(6)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-013-1475-7 (IF = 1.833)
Vikas Dubey, Jagjeet Kaura, K.V.R. Murthyc, Yogita Parganiha: Near UV–blue emission from Ce doped Y2SiO5 phosphor. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 01/2015; 31(31c)., DOI:10.1016/j.mssp.2014.12.070 (IF = 2.264)
Vikas Dubey, V.P. Dubey, Raunak Kumar Tamrakar, Kanchan Upadhyay, Neha Tiwari: TL glow curve analysis of UV, beta and gamma induced limestone collected from Amarnath holy cave. 01/2015; 6(1)., DOI:10.1016/j.jrras.2014.12.012
Vikas Dubey: Effect of europium doping levels on photoluminesce nce and thermolumine scence of strontium yttr ium oxide phosphor. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 01/2015; 31(C). (IF = 2.264)
Ratnesh Tiwari, Vikram Awate, Smita Tolani, Namrata Verma, Vikas Dubey, Raunak Kumar Tamrakar: Optical behaviour of cadmium and mercury free eco-friendly lamp nanophosphor for display devices. Results in Physics 12/2014; 4(C)., DOI:10.1016/j.rinp.2014.04.003 (IF = 1.337)
Raunak Kumar Tamrakar, Vikas Dubey: Synthesis, structural characterization and thermoluminescence glow curve study of gadolinium-doped Y2O3 nanophosphor. 12/2014; 217., DOI:10.1016/j.jtusci.2014.11.002
Raunak Kumar Tamrakar, Neha Tiwari, R.K. Kuraria, D.P. Bisen, Vikas Dubey, Kanchan Upadhyay: Effect of annealing temperature on thermoluminescence glow curve for UV and gamma ray induced ZrO2:Ti phosphor. 11/2014; 8(1)., DOI:10.1016/j.jrras.2014.10.005
Vikas Dubey, Sadhana Agrawal, Jagjeet Kaur: Photoluminescence and thermoluminescence behavior of Gd doped Y2O3 phosphor. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 11/2014; 126(1)., DOI:10.1016/j.ijleo.2014.06.175 (IF = 0.74)
Sadhana Agrawal, Vikas Dubey: Down conversion luminescence behavior of Er and Yb doped Y2O3 phosphor. 10/2014; 7(4)., DOI:10.1016/j.jrras.2014.09.014
Jagjeet Kaur, Yogita Parganiha, Vikas Dubey, Deepti Singh: A review report on medical imaging Phosphors. Research on Chemical Intermediates 10/2014; 40(8)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-013-1132-1 (IF = 1.833)
Vikas Dubey, Ratnesh Tiwari, Raunak Kumar Tamrakar, Gajendra Singh Rathore, Chitrakant Sharma, Neha Tiwari: Infrared spectroscopy and upconversion luminescence behavior of erbium doped yttrium (III) oxide phosphor. Infrared Physics & Technology 09/2014; 67(2014)., DOI:10.1016/j.infrared.2014.09.014 (IF = 1.588)
Jagjeet Kaur, Yogita Parganiha, Vikas Dubey, Deepti Singh, Deepika Chandrakar: Synthesis, characterization and luminescence behavior of ZrO2:Eu3+, Dy3+ with variable concentration of Eu and Dy doped Phosphor. Superlattices and Microstructures 09/2014; 73., DOI:10.1016/j.spmi.2014.05.009 (IF = 2.117)
Ravi Shrivastava, Jagjeet Kaur, Vikas Dubey, Beena Jaykumar: Photoluminescence, trap states and thermoluminescence decay process study of Ca2MgSi2O7: Eu2+, Dy3+ phosphor. Bulletin of Materials Science 06/2014; 37(4)., DOI:10.1007/s12034-014-0027-0 (IF = 0.895)
Vikas Dubey, Jagjeet Kaur, Sadhana Agrawal: Effect of europium concentration on photoluminescence and thermoluminescence behavior of Y2O3:Eu3+ phosphor. Research on Chemical Intermediates 03/2014; 41(7)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-014-1563-3 (IF = 1.833)
R. Tiwari, P. Bala Taunk, R. Kumar Tamrakar, N. Kumar Swamy, V. Dubey: Synthesis, characterization and thermoluminescence behavior of (Cd, Zn)S mixed phosphor doped with silver. Chalcogenide Letters 03/2014; 11(3). (IF = 0.676)
Vikas Dubey, Jagjeet Kaur, Sadhana Agrawal, N.S. Suryanarayana, K.V.R. Murthy: Effect of Eu3+ Concentration on Photoluminescence and Thermo luminescence behavior of YBO3:Eu3+Phosphor. Superlattices and Microstructures 03/2014; 67., DOI:10.1016/j.spmi.2013.12.026 (IF = 2.117)
Vikas Dubey, Sadhana Agrawal, Jagjeet Kaur: Effect of Eu3+ Concentration on Luminescence Studies of Y4Al2O9 Phosphor. 02/2014; 2014., DOI:10.1155/2014/367378
Vikas Dubey, Jagjeet Kaur, N. S. Suryanarayana, K. V. R. Murthy: Thermoluminescence study, including the effect of heating rate, and chemical characterization of Amarnath stone collected from Amarnath Holy Cave. Research on Chemical Intermediates 02/2014; 40(2)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-012-0980-4 (IF = 1.833)
Ravi Shrivastava, Jagjeet Kaur, Vikas Dubey, N. S. Suryanarayana, Beena Jaykumar: Kinetics and TL glow curve study of europium-activated strontium aluminate. Research on Chemical Intermediates 02/2014; 40(2)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-012-0976-0 (IF = 1.833)
Ratnesh Tiwari, Raunak Kumar Tamrakar, N Kumar Swamy, Vikas Dubey: Mechanoluminescence Properties of (Cd 0.95 Zn 0.5 )S mixed nanoparticles doped with silver 1.
Vikas Dubey, Ratnesh Tiwari, Mahendra Pradhan, Gajendra Rathore, Chitrakant Sharma, Raunak Tamrakar: Photoluminescece and Thermoluminescence Behavior of Zn2SiO4: Mn2+, Eu2+ Phosphor. DOI:10.7726/jla.2014.1004
Vikas Dubey, Jagjeet Kaur, Sadhana Agrawal, N.S. Suryanarayana, K.V.R. Murthy: Synthesis and characterization of Eu3+ doped SrY2O4 phosphor. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 11/2013; 124(22)., DOI:10.1016/j.ijleo.2013.03.153 (IF = 0.744)
Jagjeet Kaur, Deepti Singh, Vikas Dubey, N. S. Suryanarayana, Yogita Parganiha, Pooja Jha: Review of the synthesis, characterization, and properties of LaAlO3 phosphors. Research on Chemical Intermediates 10/2013; 40(8)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-013-1126-z (IF = 1.833)
Jagjeet Kaur, Ravi Shrivastava, Vikas Dubey, Beena Jaykumar: Kinetics and thermoluminescence glow curve study of Ba2MgSi2O7:Eu3+, Dy3+. Research on Chemical Intermediates 10/2013; 40(8)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-013-1112-5 (IF = 1.833)
Jagjeet Kaur, Yogita Parganiha, Vikas Dubey: Luminescence Studies of Eu3+ Doped Calcium Bromofluoride Phosphor. Physics Research International 08/2013; 2013(5)., DOI:10.1155/2013/494807
Jagjeet Kaur, Beena Jaykumar, Vikas Dubey, Ravi Shrivastava, N. S. Suryanarayana: Optical properties of rare earth-doped barium aluminate synthesized by different methods-A Review. Research on Chemical Intermediates 04/2013; 41(4)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-013-1349-z (IF = 1.833)
Vikas Dubey, Jagjeet Kaur, Sadhana Agrawal: Synthesis and characterization of Eu3+-doped Y2O3 phosphor. Research on Chemical Intermediates 01/2013; 41(1)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-013-1201-5 (IF = 1.833)
Jagjeet Kaur, Vikas Dubey, N. S. Suryanarayana: Comparative study of ML and PL spectra of different impurity-doped (Zn, Cd)S mixed phosphors. Research on Chemical Intermediates 11/2012; 39(9)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-012-0950-x (IF = 1.833)
Jagjeet Kaur, Vikas Dubey, N. S. Suryanarayana, N. Kumar Swamy, S. V. N. Pammi, P. V. Ramakrishna: Thermoluminescence study of ZnS:Cu nanoparticles. Research on Chemical Intermediates 10/2012; 39(8)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-012-0905-2 (IF = 1.833)
Vikas Dubey, Jagjeet Kaur, N. S. Suryanarayana, K. V. R. Murthy: Thermoluminescence and chemical characterization of natural calcite collected from Kodwa mines. Research on Chemical Intermediates 10/2012; 39(8)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-012-0872-7 (IF = 1.833)
Raunak Tamrakar, Vikas Dubey, N. Kumar Swamy, Ratnesh Tiwari, S. V. N. Pammi, P. V. Ramakrishna: Thermoluminescence studies of UV-irradiated Y2O3:Eu3+ doped phosphor. Research on Chemical Intermediates 10/2012; 39(8)., DOI:10.1007/s11164-012-0908-z (IF = 1.833)
Jagjeet Kaur, N.S. Suryanarayana, Vikas Dubey: Effect of temperature on the ML of Au doped (Zn,Cd)S mixed phosphors. Chinese Chemical Letters 06/2011; 22(6)., DOI:10.1016/j.cclet.2010.12.006 (IF = 1.947)
Anjali Kanojia, Jagjeet Kaur, N S Suryanarayana, Vikas Dubey: Study of thickness effect on absorption, Photo and electroluminescence spectra in roppv polymer films. Materials Physics and Mechanics 01/2011; 12(2).
Jagjeet Kaur, N S Suryanarayana, Megha Dewangan, Vikas Dubey: Mechanical bleaching / quenching of luminescent centres in camphor crystals. OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 11/2010; 4(11).
Jagjeet Kaur, N S Suryanarayana, Vikas Dubey: ML spectra of gold doped (Zn, Cd) S mixed phosphors. Chalcogenide Letters 05/2010; 7(5). (IF=0645)
Vikas Dubey, Suryanarayana N.S., Jagjeet Kaur: Kinetics of TL Glow Peak of Limestone from Patharia of CG Basin (India). Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering 01/2010; 09(12)., DOI:10.4236/jmmce.2010.912080
Conference Proceedings
Vikas Dubey, Jagjeet Kaur: Effect of variable cerium concentration on photoluminescence behaviour in ZrO2 phosphor synthesized by combustion synthesis method. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONDENSED MATTER AND APPLIED PHYSICS (ICC 2015): Proceeding of International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics; 05/2016, DOI:10.1063/1.4946056
Vikas Dubey, Neha Tiwari: Structural and optical analysis on europium doped AZrO3 (A=Ba, Ca, Sr) phosphor for display devices application. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONDENSED MATTER AND APPLIED PHYSICS (ICC 2015): Proceeding of International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics; 05/2016, DOI:10.1063/1.4946052
Vikas Dubey: Synthesis and characterization of rare earth doped ZrO2 nanophosphors. IP Conf. Proc. 1621, 560 (2014); 06/2014, DOI:10.1063/1.4898522
Book Published
*Physics practical Manual for B.Tech (Agriculture Engg.) BRSM, MUNGELI, C.G.
* "Thermoluminescence Study of Semaria Limestone of C.G.Basin", ISBN 978-3-8473-4210-6 LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany.
* “Development of Spectrophotometric Methods For Pharmaceutical Analysis” SBN 978-3-659-49972-2 LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany. (3 Authors)
* Thermo and Mechano luminescence studies of II-VI semiconductors by Ratnesh Tiwari & Vikas Dubey, 978-3-659-27133-5 Lambert Publication, Germany
* Sharp line Red-emitting polyborate phosphor for light applications, ISBN 978-3-330-00096-4, 2016, Sudipta Som, Somrita
Computer Skills:
MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point)
DTP (Page Maker, Corel Draw)
Tally (4.5, 5.4, 6.3,7.2,8.1,9.0)
Visual Basic
MDCH (Master Diploma in Computer H/W).
Gold Medallist in the year 2009 in M.Sc. Physics.
Best Poster presentation in National Conference.
13th Young Scientist award organised by CGCOST and Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya 2015.
Second Best poster prize in international conference in luminescence and applications organised at Bangalore 2015.
Third Prize in faculty excellence award organised at BIT Raipur.
Best Paper Award in International Conference organised at PhD Cell New Delhi August 2015.
Third prize in paper presentation at NCLA – 2016 organized by RTM Nagpur University.
Special Qualification:
Diploma in Astrology Called (RAJ JYOTISH).
Academic Project
Name of project:
Thermoluminescence of minerals
Dr. Jagjeet Kaur Saluja
Project Brief:
Sample of limestone is collected from Patharia mines of district Durg Chhattisgarh. Irradiation has been done by UV source of 365nm. We have studied the TL glow curve of limestone with different excitation time and with different excitation sources if possible. The effect has been observed how the TL glow curve changes.
National Level Camp at Raipur.
Shetlakhet (Uttaranchal) In Scouting & Guiding.
State Level Camp at Bilaspur (Nipun Rover Batch).
National Conference/Workshop:
I have participated National conference on Recent Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at SSCET College Bhilai in 12 th and 13 th January 2009.
I have participated National conference on High Tech Materials: Synthesis, Characterization and Application at DIMAT, Raipur in (Dec 14-16, 2009).
I have participated in National Conference on Current Trends in Material Sciences at Deptt. Of Physics at Bhilai Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Bhilai
Attend the workshop in Electron Microscopy and Allied Fields at Shoolinii University Solan (H.P.) on 23-29 Sep. 2011.
Attend the workshop in NWNANT (National Workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology) at CCET (Christian College of Engineering and Technology), Bhilai in 12th March 2012.
Attend the National workshop on Luminescence Materials Devices and Applications, 26-27 Nov. 2012 organized by M.S. University, Baroda.
UGC sponsored a national workshop on luminescence and its applications 7th and 8th March 2013, organized by Bhilai Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Bhilai Nagar.
Attend short term course on Recent Trend in Material Science – II, Sept 30th – Oct. 4th organized by department of physics, NIT Raipur.
Paper Presentation in National / International Conference
I have presented two research papers in NCPA (National Conference of Phosphors and Application) at RNS Institute of Technology, Bangalore on 15-16 Nov 2010.
I gave invited talk in international conference Composites and Nanocomposites (ICNC-2011) Held at Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam Kerala in 7-9 Jan 2011.
I have presented one research paper in NCLA (National Conference on Luminescence and Application) at Ravishankar University Raipur on 7-9 Feb 2011.
I have presented five papers in National Conference of Recent Trends in Physics of Solids at Govt.V.Y.T.PG.Auto.College Durg in 11th to 12th Oct. 2011.
I have presented a paper in ISC (International Science Congress) at Maharaja Ranjit Singh College, Indore in 24th to 25th Dec 2011.
I have presented two research papers in ICON (National Conference) at Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology, Durg (C.G.) on 20-21 Jan 2012.